friday announcements

here’s a few features that i was involved in if you would like to take a gander :)

1. Couple Talks Before Marriage:
new Stronger Marriage blog post! what are some things you think should be discussed before you get married?
check it out here

2. Seven Day Push: Goals
read about my new goal lately over on the Seven Day Push blog
{are you following yet??}
what are some of your goals?
check it out here

3. Whimisical Poppysmic Sponsor Feature
check out Chrissy’s cute blog and you can read a little bit about me :)
check it out here

4. 400 Follower Giveaway
and don’t forget about the big giveaway going on right now!!!
you win one of 7 prizes!
enter here


a little bit of light reading over the weekend yes??
i hope you check it all out!


1 comment:

Emma Frances said...

I read your Couple Talks Before Marriage and loved it! You seriously have such wonderful advice! :]