much needed vacation: the driving 36+ hours part

look how sweet and nice Eli was on our trip

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doesn’t he look like such a perfectly, well-mannered chunker?


he was actually more like this:


it was pretty crazy….

driving 12 hours to Arizona
12 hours to California
& 12 hours back to Utah
makes for a loooooooooooooooooong trip in the car

most of the time the E-man actually did surprisingly well
[compared to last year @3 months]
and as long as we stuffed him with treats and played classical music
{true story}
he managed okay.

we even downloaded some Sesame Street podcasts for desperate times.
he would bop along with the music.
but his face really lit up when he would see ELMO
that kid loves Elmo and he really doesn’t even know who or what he is yet

needless to say
i’m DONE driving for a while


Amy @ Amy Day to Day said...

Roadtrips are the only time I won't let myself feel guilty for letting my daughter watch all the DVDs she wants. If it keeps her quiet and happy, then DVDs it is!

Lauren and Jason said...

12 hours to AZ??? It never took 12 hours to get to UT from Mesa!! I don't remember ever taking that long even stopping for gas in Kanab. :) maybe it was the time zone change you had to go through, right? Haha. Just kidding! Love you !