
thank you for all who entered the Reader Appreciation giveaway!!
we have over 2,000 entries which is really exciting!
i really appreciate all of you and your constant support!

i always feel bad that i can’t give everyone a prize…
you all really deserve it!
but unfortunately i can only pick a few winners but i’m still very grateful to you all for participating!

so the moment you’ve all been waiting for,
here’s the winners of all the different prizes!

WINNERS banner


BLUE & GREEN NECKLACE from Rhi’s Designs
Kelsey Pearson

Ashley W.

Nikki Fox Muroski

MEDIUM AD SPACE from Through the Eyes of the Mrs.

FOUR VINTAGE GREETING CARDS from Jenni.Austria.Germany


X-LARGE AD SPACE from Small Bird Studios
Sophie Van Tiggelen Duchenne

$15 SHOP CREDIT from Little Doe Eyed Girl
Ashley Bond

BIRDS NEST NECKLACE from Wired Out Jewelry

LARGE AD SPACE from From the Guest Room
Izzy Butcher

CUSTOM WREATH from Lil Noodle Bug
Sarah Crooks

HALF OFF A PHOTOSHOOT from Forever and Always Photography
Becca Spendlove

LARGE AD SPACE from Whimsical Poppysmic
Crochet Addictcfs

CUSTOM STATE PRINT from Livy Love Designs
Ashleigh Walls

$25 SHOP CREDIT from Petals, Lace, and Pearls
Hope Sepulveda

MEDIUM AD SPACE from Our Reflection
Elyse Holmes

Laura Dassance

$20 SHOP CREDIT from Take the Cannoli
Breanna Hohenstein

2 HAIR WRAPS from Penelope Lane
Kristine Foley

LARGE AD SPACE from Gentri Lee
Rachel Frakes



i will be sending out emails shortly
[possibly tomorrow since we are going to a concert tonight, huzzah! :)]

again, thank you all for entering and participating!!
you guys rock my world :)


Saturday Favorites

day 26
[top: thrifted; skirt: thrifted; belt: hand me down; shoes (not shown): Forever 21 clearance, $7; necklace: Claire’s, present from Adam :)]

so i kind of cheated with this picture. and i wasn’t going to say anything but the guilt was gnawing on me to tell the truth :)
i did really wear this outfit for the 30x30 under $30 challenge but i took this picture last summer and was too lazy to retake another picture of the same outfit.
yep. lazy.
or just smart for not retaking a perfectly good photo, right?
either way it’s a real outfit from the challenge so i didn’t really break any rules.

this is actually one of my favorites of all time.
you can’t really tell in this picture but the skirt in pinstriped and then the crazy print of the shirt makes a perfect pattern mixing outfit. i love both individually but then together it’s like gold.
well maybe not really gold but it’s pretty awesome in my personal opinion.
you don’t have to think so but i will love it just the same!

it’s Saturday!
which means LDS General Conference is this weekend, the FUN. concert tonight, and another round of Saturday Favorites from this last week!

love this cute fabric wreath from AliLilly! so cute and easy and a perfect project if you have lots of extra fabric laying around and don’t know what to do with it.

this post by Melanie basically conveys all of my feelings of raising a 2-year-old! she has such a great attitude about it though and it really is a good reminder to me that it’s just a stage.

i think these name blocks from Somewhere Over the Rainbow are darling! i’m already planning on ordering some once we move to put in Eli’s room. it’ll be so perfect!

i would wear these cute vintage fabric earrings from Along For the Ride! love them!

love Kaylee’s list of her favorite things especially number 4!

i need this pillow in my life from The Guest Room Closet!!

i decided i need a little baby girl stat so i can dress her up in cute headbands like this on from J&M’s Eye Candy! seriously. why do all the bloggers with baby girls have all the cute baby fun?

Laura from Our Reflection is a great example of seeing a need and making sure it is met! she is putting together a huge food drive to help fill her church’s food pantry. i hope that someday i would have the courage & motivation to fill such need like that and help countless others!

i love the shape of this headband and really have never seen anything like it! Cassie from CCY Designs does a great job making cute and unique items for her shop!

someday i will own cute subway art & instagram canvassed pictures from Small Bird Studios! this has been on my wish list forever and i’m saving up to make the dream a reality :)

and finally, if you would like to hear more about LDS General Conference and about the living prophet and apostles that are on the earth today, please watch this video!
i know we have living prophets just like in the times of the Bible. i know God still speaks to His children through His prophets and apostles and we can feel His love through their words.

haircut = goodbye babyhood, hello toddler!

this post was written a little while ago but i kept forgetting to post it.
i found it in my stack and got all sentimental so i wanted to share it!
{Eli looks much bigger now if that’s even possible!}


IMG_1729 IMG_1730 IMG_1732
the Elijah-man got a haircut a few weeks ago.
it’s not his first one but i almost feel like it is more significant than the first since he had a lot more hair than before.

now all his precious baby curls and wings are gone
{which i had been waiting for forever! he was a very bald baby}
and they are replaced with the hair of some kind of older, toddler boy.

he looks so grown-up and big now
and it kind of breaks my heart.

me and Adam find ourselves looking through old baby pictures quite frequently and saying,
“look how chubby he was!”
“oh my gosh he was SO bald!!”
{seriously he was}
“oh man i can’t believe his chunky thighs!”
“look how stinkin’ adorable our kid is!”

i’m not ready for this toddler phase
not that i was ready for the baby phase either
but it just seems like right when i was getting the hang of being a mom to a screaming infant,
now i have to learn how to be the mom to a screaming toddler.

and scream he does!

but is it weird that i still think he’s cute even when he’s crying like that?
cause i’m pretty sure he is!

Saint to Saint

[Joyce // Abdulatiff // Laudanise // Rita]

last Saturday i had the opportunity to meet with the people of Saint to Saint, a non-profit organization that helps people in extreme poverty by providing them with education and training to improve their homes, community, and businesses.
quite simply, they help people become self-reliant and be able to provide for themselves for years to come!

the above pictures are just a few of the incredible success stories from the Saint to Saint organization.
one story that really hit me was a story of a woman in Haiti after the devastating earthquake.
her husband was killed in the earthquake, her home left in shambles, and the business that her family ran was lost. she had no way to survive but to get her allotted portion of rice each day from the rations that were served to all the victims. soon, the rice would run out and there were many families that would be left starving, including her and her daughter.

when the Saint to Saint organization met with her, they helped her assess her skills and come up with a business plan that would help her provide for herself instead of being dependent on the rice that would eventually run out. she was able to make enough to keep her and her daughter alive as well as work with the community to dig their homes out of the rubble.
they were able to make a better life for themselves by using their skills and talents to create something they could be proud of!

how Saint to Saint works is they take donations made by generous contributors and set up local business loan funds {microloans} to help the people start their own business. you can view all the different countries that Saint to Saint works with here and read about the different projects that are hoping to get started with the donations!

what i love about Saint to Saint is that they are teaching great skills and providing useful information to groups of people that will benefit them for the rest of their life.

give a man a fish, you feed him for a day.
but teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.

i really believe in this program and i’m so excited to be partnering up with them.
please share this video with those you know and spread the word.
by working together, i know we can do so much to bring more peace to the world!

you can find out more about Saint to Saint by visiting their website, Facebook page, or following them on Twitter

making my house a home


Ashley from After Nine to Five and i are hosting the Living the Right Life series to share how we are making changes in our lives to bring true happiness and joy. we also are opening it up to all of you to link up your own thoughts and feelings of how you are living the right life for you!

around this time last year is when i really started to lose it.
it had been a hard year full of disappointments and setbacks, i was tired from going to school and caring for a baby {and not having a break!}, and i was just incredibly emotionally drained.
although i had lots of blessing in front of me, i couldn’t see them.
and although i knew i could choose happiness, i let it all overwhelm me instead.

so something i have really tried to work on this last year {okay really last few months} is finding the beauty wherever we are and realizing that i have the power to make things better.
just so you know, i really suck at remembering this lesson. but it’s still an important one nonetheless and i hope this post will help me stay accountable more.

Source: via Megan on Pinterest

one of my biggest frustrations i have had is feeling stuck in our tiny apartment with a very active 2-year-old [next month]. this was one of the first things i talked about to my therapist.
he used the word TRAPPED. 
and i’m pretty sure that sums it all up well.

some days, it feels like the walls are closing in around me & there’s no where to go.
Eli’s crib is literally in a corner because we don’t have space for a cutesy nursery/playroom and need his room for storage. we have to keep the back doors closed at all times because there’s too many things he can get into confining him to a 15’x12’ space to play [or actually smaller cause of our furniture]. his toys are piled in a corner of our living room half hidden behind a chair to give some kind of semblance of order.

it’s not a cute, matchy place with new furniture & brightly painted walls and shelves filled with Target/Anthropologie/insert-the-typical-blogger-store-here knick knacks.
it’s definitely cozy but can be a little too cozy when your kid is all over the place!
[anyone with a toddler that lives in an apartment can probably understand… hopefully]

for a while, all i could think about was how sucky this situation was. i was sick and tired of it all and i just wanted a fresh start, maybe another bedroom, and storage!!
of course, once we plan something and get our hearts set on it, the Lord humbles us and reminds us that He has a different idea of what we should be doing.

a few months ago, i was talking to my friend and telling her all my concerns and frustrations with my space
[fyi: her apartment is SO amazingly cute and organized!]
she helped me see that no matter our circumstances, we can make our homes {and lives} beautiful if we choose to put forth some effort.
even small changes can make a big difference.

feeling empowered by her advice and seeing that she implemented that herself in her life {hence the adorable apartment}, i decided to get to work and make my place something that i loved!

i started developing my talents and finding things that i am really passionate about.
i started making cheap decorations, adding color to the walls to brighten up the space.
i hung shelves and pictures in our rooms.
i started cooking and baking more.
i rearranged bookshelves/cabinets/shelves that seemed cluttered and simplified.
i painted my toenails and bought new lotion.
i listened {and danced} to music.
i sang in the shower.
i opened the windows to let in the beautiful spring air.
i started going outside more [now that’s it’s warmer!]
i found joy in caring for my little family [instead of feeling suffocated by them]

all these things sound very simple and honestly probably very silly.
obviously painting my toenails doesn’t change the fact that Elijah still sleeps in the corner and our closets are stuffed with bins.
but it makes me feel good.
and when i feel good, i have a better attitude about it all.

and that’s what really matters. attitude.
when i made the efforts to change my attitude it made a world of difference of how i see my life.

my life is good.
my life is beautiful.
and i’m okay.


i shared this post as a guest post on Living in Yellow recently. i liked it so much that i wanted to share it as part of the Living the Right Life series. {sometimes i feel like i write way better guest posts than personal blog posts, ha} but honestly this is something that has been weighing on my mind a lot lately so i wanted to share it again. hopefully you’re not getting too sick of this message!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Giveaway from Alycia of Crowley Party!!

Hey guys! I am so happy to be over here today :) and am excited to offer all you bloggers, shop owners, social media gurus, you get the idea? a little treat!
My name is Alycia Crowley and I blog over at Crowley Party, where I talk about my life, fashion, food, crafts, pretty much whatever interests me! My husband and I think Life Should be a Party (hence the blog title Crowley Party) and that we should enjoy all the little to big things in life :)
Lately I have been trying to be more creative and have some fun, so in order to do that and push myself, I am hoping to open up a little online shop within the next month or so! It got me thinking about all the other blogs and shops out there that are just starting out or looking to expand. Things cost money, which we all know we want to save some money, so I thought it would be fun to offer people some free advertising space on my blog!

Today I am giving away a Large Ad Spot (30 days) on my blog to one of you readers to bring some attention your blog or your shop, or whatever you want promote! You can decide when you want to start your Large Ad, it can start whenever you want!

Here are some details behind my blog to intrigue you:
I have over 2300 followers on my blog via GFC.
My blog averages about  1,000 to 2,000 hits a day and I get about 47,000 views a month.
I would love to help you bring some attention to your creative endeavors!
How To Enter:
Be a follower of the Crowley Party
Additional Entries:
Become a fan of Crowley Party on Facebook
Follow Alycia on Twitter
Follow Crowley Party on Bloglovin’
[leave a comment for each entry!]

Saturday Favorites {on a Monday}

day 24.3day 24.4
[top: Macy’s, gift; cardigan: Target clearance; jeans: F21 clearance; shoes: Target clearance]

zebra is my favorite.
purple & turquoise is my favorite.
so by default, this outfit is another one of my favorites or the 30x30 under $30 challenge.

also, fun fact about me {not that you care to know}: my retainer in high school was zebra print.
i know i’m cool like that.
[and disgusting like that to tell you that….?]

i had a meeting Saturday + we decided to do a little hiking/nature walking as a family so i didn’t get a chance to post my Saturday favorites [more on both of those things later].
but i really did have some links that i loved so i wanted to share them today instead!

so here’s my favorites from last week:

i loved Blog Positivity Week and hearing all the stories shared by so many women throughout the week. great idea from Ashley and i definitely think it should be a biannual or annual thing!
{i linked up with this post}

and going along with Blog Positivity Week, Megan from Absolute Mommy shared a really great post on keeping the blogging community classy!
and Amanda from Royal Daughter Designs also shared some wonderful posts throughout the week to link up with Blog Positivity Week as well!

this dove ring from MyRemedy Design is beautiful! i love how whimsical & fun it is!
put a {bird} on it and call it art.

Gentri has started a really fun weekly link-up called 7 Questions.
i kind of love random question/get-to-know-you games so i was really excited when she announced it! you should definitely link up with her each week & read her past questions!
{i linked up with this post}

Jenni has been sharing her trip to Paris with her parents and the hotel they stayed at! i’m determined to stay there now.

this is beautiful, beautiful post from Alisha! i got very misty-eyed reading it and definitely needed the reminder.

Kate from Cinnamon Ink never fails to blow my mind with her adorable prints!! please let me have a room decorated solely in her art!

i love this quote that Aleks got for the Gathered Thoughts link-up and reading her thoughts on it. really wonderful and encouraging!
{i linked up with this post. holy cow i linked up a lot this week!}


i hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!
come back for a giveaway later today!


::p.s. i am accepting sponsors for April so if you are interested please email me at mrs.robinsonblog{at}

March Favorite Post Link-Up

It's the fifth month of the favorite post link-up! Last time we got around 115 links and we're hoping to beat it this month! This month there are a couple of new guest hosts joining the mix that will have the link-up on their blogs as well to spread the love even further throughout the blogging community. Be sure to check out their blogs to find out their favorite posts this month!

This month's hosts include:

Ashley from After Nine To Five / Megan from And Here's To You, Mrs. Robinson

Beth from Through the Eyes of the Mrs

My favorite post of the month is:

Friendship & Community


The concept is simple. Link-up your favorite post from the current month every last Sunday of the month. That's it. No buttons to post, no rules to follow - just link-up your favorite blog post from the last month to show off who you are or what' you're about. Then browse the other posts and make some new friends.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


i love this message & i definitely need this reminder.
how often do we judge others without realizing our own faults?
i know i can definitely be more humble & loving towards others.

i hope everyone watches this video and feels inspired to be a little kinder & understanding to all those around you!

the adventures of E-rock

IMG_2462 [Elijah planking on the kitchen table]

i feel like it’s been a lot time since i’ve done a good update on the happenings of the E-man.
and he’s at such a fun crazy age that i really want to remember some of his eccentricities.

i have posted before about E’s quirks and they definitely have gotten more and more obscure as he’s gotten a little older.  so here’s some of the funny little things he’s done recently:

1. we usually close the doors to the back rooms since they aren’t baby proof {woes of living in a tiny apartment!} and now Elijah has to close every door before he starts his day. if the door gets stuck he will cry until you come help him.

2. he also has learned how to turn the door knobs too so it kind of negates the door closing…. but he still hardly goes back there unless you are in the room which i’m hoping lasts a little while longer until we move.

3. his new favorite thing is to look out the window, eat goldfish, and yell at people passing by. he’s the crazy kid in the window regularly.

Eli 1
[Elijah screaming at the people outside. another reason why children are like puppies!]

4. his favorite book is Green Eggs & Ham and he will respond right on cue to “Would you eat them in a car?” “NO!!!!!” it’s really the cutest thing in the world!

5. he says “thank you!” all the time and even reminds you to say thank you after he does something for you. and he’s very good about saying “pwease.” he’s extremely polite, that kid!

[he did this himself. it’s his favorite spot in the house]

6. he cries when his hands are dirty. i blame Adam for that one. he has ingrained in him that messes are bad. which i guess is a good thing… but seriously, what kid hates to be dirty?? Elijah that’s who!

7. he can say his ABCs but has to be reminded that I, O, and Y aren’t the only letters in the alphabet.

8. he can also point out I, O, and Y. they are his favorite letters obviously.

9. he loves Harry Potter! this is probably my crowning glory in parenthood. seriously, that couldn’t make me more proud!
 Eli 2[playing Harry Potter Scene It at a friend’s house. they babysat him yesterday and he kept trying to turn the game on and “watch” as he says.]

10. he cried when there was trash on the restaurant floor. and i say again, seriously, what kid hates messes?!?

11. his favorite show is Super Why and can name the characters & songs. i used to feel guilty about this that he watches it too much. but then the show really does teach him letters so i can’t really be mad anymore.

12. and wherever he is in the house, he has to dance to the Hip Hip Hooray song at the end of the show! it’s a requirement. he’s basically a dancing fiend still for any songs and we have dance parties daily!

IMG_2495[we had an indoor picnic for lunch and now it’s his favorite thing ever. he pulls the blanket out and will go grab some chips]

Elijah can totally drive me nuts sometimes.
and there’s days where i really question my ability to be a good & loving mother.

but it’s little moments and memories like these that make me really grateful for the happiness Eli brings into my life.
he is by far the cutest kid EVER! just hearing his little voice saw “pwease” will make your heart melt.
he’s my favorite little pal!! 
i love being his mother and being able to stay home with him each day!
i can’t imagine life any differently, honestly.
it’s too good!

The Fault in Our Stars

fault in our stars

"The fault, dear Brutus is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings."
–Caesar from William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

i just read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green for the BlogHer Book Club.
i absolutely absolutely loved this book!
i know, i know. i’ve said that before about almost every book i have read from the BlogHer Book Club.
but may go as far to say as this is the best one yet.
by far. as in, i read it all in a day.
and i already can’t wait to read it again.

The Fault in Our Stars is about a 16 year old girl named Hazel who has a rare form of thyroid cancer that is basically incurable. [she has to carry around a oxygen tank wherever she goes.] the doctors have done things to prolong her life and not let the cancer spread. but basically there is no guarantee. but it’s not a cancer book. nor is it a book that makes you feel sad for her. she makes sure of that.

although Hazel is basically just trying to get through the days until she pretty much has no more days to give, her life is completely turned around when she meets Augustus Waters.

oh, Augustus and Hazel. i love them!!!
reading this story made me feel like a high school teenager again dreaming of having a boyfriend that does all these amazing & spectacular things that only really exists in books.
but really this book isn’t like that either.

yes it has whiffs of being a silly teenage love story and yes they are just young kids so you can argue that this book is just feeding this unrealistic mentality.
but it’s not like that!
it’s not really a love story either…

i can’t even really explain it. literally. i tried to explain it to Adam about how much i loved this book and i just couldn’t find the right words to do it justice.
i just love it!
i love the narration, i love the story line, i love the characters {i especially LOVE Hazel’s parents}, i love the witty dialogue, i love the way things are written and capitalized for emphasis, i love the intellectual and deep thought processes of Hazel & Augustus, i love their views on the world, i love how they talk about cancer and their explanations of living with it, i love all the different emotions you feel while reading it, i love Holland, i love the raw honesty of it all…
i love how this book teaches you to truly LIVE your life!

guys, i love it!  i can’t say it enough!
you need to get it pronto {only $10 on Amazon!}
i just want everyone to read it and so we can discuss it.
and if you do read it and don’t like it, that’s okay too. but you should like it so i just wouldn’t understand…

This is a paid review for BlogHer Book Club but the opinions expressed are my own.

reader appreciation celebration!

in yesterday’s post, i talked about how grateful i was for this little blog and for all the friends i have made from it.
i am honestly & sincerely grateful to all of my readers for the support you have shown me these last months.

as a big THANK YOU for all of the love you have shown me, i have teamed up with some of my awesome sponsors for a BIG READER APPRECIATION CELEBRATION!!
{i.e. a very big group giveaway!}

and as a reminder, please only “like” “follow” or “favorite” my sponsors if you intend to STAY! please do not follow and then unfollow. my sponsors work hard, they are being incredibly generous and it honestly kills me to see people become fans just to win a giveaway. get to know them & their shops/blogs, i promise you will love them!

okay, now that i’m done with my little rant, let’s get on with the giveaway!

to enter you must be a follower of my blog! {i know there is some controversy with making this mandatory to enter, but i feel like it’s only fair to thank those who have subscribed to my blog and have been with me for some time! right?}

there will be a winner for each prize!
which means there will be 21 different prizes up for grabs for 21 different winners!

now on to the prizes!


a   m (40) i really wanted to give away something personally from me but didn’t know what to do. an ad space yeah but not all my readers have a shop or a blog to promote. and i wanted to make it special and personal for whoever won it so that’s why i just labeled it an ambiguous “care package.” maybe that’s lame… but i hope it’s not!! it’ll be full of goodies picked especially for you if you win :)


BLUE & GREEN NECKLACE from Rhi’s Designs
blue green yellow 6
my sister has a GREAT shop with really fun & beautiful designs! she really is incredibly talented and can make anything you show her!

i love this necklace and multicolored swirled heart beads. i think this would be a perfect statement necklace to throw on with any outfit!

and you can also get 10% off any order with the code MARCH at checkout!

blog / shop / facebook




Alisha is by far one of my very favorite people that i have met in this little blogging world. i think she is incredibly talented not just as a writer and fashionista, but also with her knitting and photography!! she does it all!

she is giving away an 16x20 CANVAS PRINT of your choice of the above images from her Etsy shop. these picture are so peaceful and beautiful!! it makes me can’t wait til summer!!

blog / shop / twitter



6988088497_6b0485e929_b Kristine is another incredible woman i have gotten to know and is just as kind & supporting as she is on her blog. she has a really cute shop called J&M’s Eye Candy where she makes really adorable clips and headbands like this one.

she is giving away one of her new satin flower hair clips (or if you want it as a headband!) from her shop! love it!

blog / shop / facebook / twitter / pinterest


MEDIUM AD SPACE from Through the Eyes of the Mrs.

Medium Ad

another close blogging friend, Beth always knows the right thing to say to me when i’m feeling overwhelmed! she is so real & genuine and i absolutely love that about her!! she makes everyone feel special and will always take the time to talk & help if you need it!

Beth is giving away one month of medium ad space on her blog! and honestly, she is great to work with and will really help your shop grow!

blog / facebook / twitter


FOUR VINTAGE GREETING CARDS from Jenni.Austria.Germany


i’ve gushed so much about Jenni before and it’s all true! she is kind and funny and friendly and supportive and sweet and awesome! i met her through a giveaway and i am grateful all the time that i have been able to get to know her!

Jenni is giving away these 4 adorable vintage greeting cards that are 5x7 and have birthday, friendship, and congratulatory messages inside & have matching envelopes. i told her she should keep them for herself cause they are really cute but she’s nicer than me and wants to give them to a lucky reader! :)

blog / twitter




Tahnie is an incredible inspiration to me!! i feel blessed to know her and how much she has changed my life. honestly. Tahnie has Cystinosis which occurs in only 1 of every 250,00 live births. it may eventually claim her life but she is doing all she can to choose joy and live life to the fullest with her sweet little girl!

today, Tahnie is giving away a gLocket heart locket necklace with 4 birthstone charms!! i love it and desperately want it for myself :)

blog / shop / facebook / twitter


X-LARGE AD SPACE from Small Bird Studios

IMG_6658 Franchesca is another life-changing friendship that i feel honored to have with her! after all she has been through, she has devoted her life & blog to inspiring and uplifting other women. she is a great friend and a great example to me!

Franchesca is giving away an XL April Ad on her blog which includes solo feature post/giveaway post. and really she is one of the best blogs to sponsor!

blog / shop / facebook / twitter / pinterest


$15 SHOP CREDIT from Little Doe Eyed Girl

i have really enjoyed getting to know Monique this month and was so happy she came on as a sponsor. her hair accessories are beautiful {and the little model is precious!!}! she is real and isn’t afraid to tell it how it really is. i really admire her and her honesty! she is a wonderful and beautiful mom!

today, Monique is giving away $15 shop credit to her shop, Little Doe Eyed Girl! since i don’t have a little girl {yet}, i would totally snag one of her peacock feather clips for myself :)

blog / shop / facebook / twitter


BIRDS NEST NECKLACE from Wired Out Jewelry

il_570xN.308647398 Morgan from Wired Out Jewelry is by far the sweetest woman i have ever met!! and i’m not just saying sweetest like every blogger says sweetest, i mean it for real! her shop items are gorgeous, she is incredibly nice & humble, and even when i talked to her so last minute she was nothing but kind & helpful about it all! seriously. i am pretty sure i already am completely in love with her and her shop!

she is giving away one of these birds nest necklaces in your choice of color!! this is by far one of my favorites so you are welcome to send it on to me if you win it :)

shop / facebook


LARGE AD SPACE from From the Guest Room


another bloggy bestie, Mary Kate of From the Guest Room is one of the most encouraging people EVER! i am pretty sure i have never heard a negative sentence from her! she is so positive and really truly cares about everyone! i have enjoyed getting to know her so much these last few months and i know you will too!

Mary Kate is giving away a large ad space on her blog and seriously you will absolutely love working with her! she works with her sponsors well and really will help grow your business.

blog / facebook / twitter


CUSTOM WREATH from Lil Noodle Bug

i have been completely obsessed with Lil’ Noodle Bug for ages. like ages and ages!! Courtney is so talented and makes these wreaths and flowers look incredible! i know for a fact if i ever attempted to do what she does, it would be an absolute train wreck with lots and lots of tears and angry words. but Courtney does is so effortlessly and beautifully, i want her to make me a wreath for every day of the year!

Courtney is giving away one custom wreath of your choice to one lucky winner!! seriously lucky!

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HALF OFF A PHOTOSHOOT from Forever and Always Photography

DSC07171 Laura is young but incredibly talented! she is a local photographer with a great eye for beauty. i am impressed with her captures and her beautiful images!! i barely know how to work my camera and at her age i was only ever using disposable cameras. so for her to be able to have such great pictures is really amazing to me!

Laura is giving away a 50% discounted photo shoot with cd of digital images! her prices are already low and affordable at $30 for singles, $35 for couples, and $45 for a group package so to take half-off those prices is an incredible deal!

must live in the Salt Lake City/Toole area!



LARGE AD SPACE from Whimsical Poppysmic

Chrissy from Whimsical Poppysmic was one of my first ever bloggy besties!! from the beginning, she reached out to me and helped me in countless ways that i feel like i will never be able to repay her fully. i have always and will always look up to her and the incredible kindness she has shown me even when i was just a little punk of a kid asking about sponsor swaps and giveaways not knowing anything about blogging. [that was a run-on] i feel like some people wouldn’t have a lot of patience with that sometimes but Chrissy did and i will be forever grateful to her for it!

Chrissy is giving away free large ad space for a month on her blog!! like i said, i’ve worked with her from the beginning and she is amazing!! you would not be disappointed!

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CUSTOM STATE PRINT from Livy Love Designs

state copy

Diana is by far one of my favorite people, not just in blogging but real life too! i have met her a couple of times {and had lunch with her today!} and honestly, you don’t get more real than her!! she is so nice and so caring and so so talented! i am determined to make her my real life best friend {she lives in the same town} so i can learn of her awesome ways!

today, Diana is giving away a free 8x10 custom state print of your choice! you choose the state and the city where the heart goes over and any colors you want!! i love these prints with every part of my heart. i already told her i want to order 5 {Arizona, California, Illinois, Ohio, and Utah}

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$25 SHOP CREDIT from Petals, Lace, and Pearls

$25 credit2 even her name and ad just screams I’M BEAUTIFUL!! and everything in Becky’s shop Petals, Lace, and Pearls really is gorgeous!! and i mean it! her items are so unique, and beautiful, and at really affordable prices. her lace flower products basically have me drooling every time i look at them. and i’m not just saying that, honestly!

Becky is giving away $25 shop credit to her Etsy shop. do you know what you could get with that?!?! i do! i already made my wish list :)

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MEDIUM AD SPACE from Our Reflection

Laura is one of the kindest, loving souls EVER! {and i think using the word soul is weird a lot but it was the only word that i felt truly fit Laura because really she’s just that good!} with just interacting with her for a little over a month she already has treated me like we are life-long friends. i really respect her and her work!

Laura is giving away a medium ad space for a month on her blog, Our Reflection. and she is GREAT to work with!! she works hard for you and really gets your name out there!

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Steven & Dana are a husband and wife team who own Sodapop Designs. and they are by far the coolest and kindest couple!! i am a total ditz and a huge procrastinator which can be frustrating to work with. but Steven & Dana were nothing but nice and so so SO helpful even with my follies. i really appreciate their kindness and friendship and think that everyone should have Steven & Dana cheerleaders in their lives. cause they would really make you feel pretty awesome even when you are quite certain you are not! :)

Steven & Dana are giving away this incredibly gorgeous champagne & silver necklace that is really just stunning! this is like fancy date night jewelry right here!

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$20 SHOP CREDIT from Take the Cannoli

storecredit Natalie from Take the Cannoli is basically so incredibly awesome that i feel so lame next to her. seriously, she is the coolest!! i remember when i first emailed her and i was just blown away by her kindness and sincerity. we just clicked! and already i know we will be friends for a long time! and her shop just kills me every time i look at it! i.want.everything!!

Natalie is giving away a $20 shop credit to her shop, Take the Cannoli. and will you please split it with me? kthanks!

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2 HAIR WRAPS from Penelope Lane

58 (1) Oh, Penelope Lane!! my long time shop obsession for as long as i can remember! i have seen her products everywhere i love everything about them! i finally got up the courage to email her directly to tell her how i kind of stalk her and Sarah turns out to be pretty much the nicest person i have ever had the privilege of emailing. like, knock my polka-dot socks off/totally floored/jumping up and down/squealing to Adam nice. i mean, of course she is nice!! but she is just too cool that i felt like a giddy freshman when a senior says “you have really cute shoes!” it was just like that!

today, Sarah is giving away your choice of 2 hair wraps (adult and child) from her shop! you will love them and wear them every day i promise you!

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LARGE AD SPACE from Gentri Lee

Large sponsor spot (1)

and last but certainly not least, Gentri Lee! Gentri is basically everything i hope to be and every blogger’s {and shop owner and reader and i’m-just-walking-down-the-street} best friend! i’m pretty sure i would be no where without her! i cannot say enough good things about this girl turned real life friend! everyone loves her as they should :)

Gentri is giving away a free large sponsor spot on her blog! she is awesome to work with and really does grow your blog/shop!

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