i love Elizabeth!

[aren't they both so gorgeous!?]
i consider her a true, real-life friend as well and just think the world of her.
today, Elizabeth is being so kind to give away a special Halloween treat:
a $30 Urban Outfitters Gift Card.
Link up all of your Halloween related posts + stop by other blogs to see how they're celebrating this spooky holiday!
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when i was little, i remember waking up in the middle of the night and going into my parents’ bed, cuddling up next to them, and going back to sleep.
or in the early morning while we gathered to read our scriptures and say family prayer, i would nestle into my parents' covers where it was nice and cozy and drift back off to sleep.
my mom and dad would call me their snuggle bunny cause i loved cuddling with them.
as i got older though i was way too cool for it.
i still loved laying in their bed and cuddling up with their warm sheets,
but i was very much against the idea of being a "snuggle bunny."
no respecting adolescent would be caught dead having such a nickname.
only now do i realize how much my parents probably loved those moments
and missed them when i got to be too cool for them.
because now, i have my very own snuggle bunny.
Elijah loves to cuddle up with me on the couch.
even though he can be a little demanding {and OCD} about it
(my elbow canNOT be near his head)
it is my absolute favorite thing when he comes over and makes room to lay next to me.
we just lay there on the couch, me scratching his back, watching cartoons or singing lullabies.
almost every morning that is our ritual.
{and every night before we put him to bed}
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and snuggles.
Adam is totally jealous too that Eli is my little snuggle bunny.
he tries to get Elijah to cuddle with him but Eli refuses.
the other night he finally laid down next to him but it didn't last very long.
[probably because Adam just squishes him and bites his cheeks... who wants to snuggle with that? ;)]
so it makes our cuddling sessions even more special.
because this is a moment he only reserves for his mama,
something that i will always treasure.
now i understand why my parents always let me come into bed with them even though it
a) hardly fit all 3 of us
and b) couldn’t have been comfortable at all.
because those are very fleeting moments, moments that soon my little boy will push away.
i'm so glad Elijah deems me cool enough now to want to cuddle up close to me,
to want to be with me right by my side all the time.
even after all the whining and tantrums and hitting and screaming…
i will take his snuggles all day, any day!
cause he will always be my very own snuggle bunny.
it’s been kind of hard trying to figure out a good transition from my last post.
it’s not really the easiest thing to follow.
these last two weeks or so have been really emotional for me in a lot of ways.
good & bad.
at this point i feel a lot more peaceful, a lot more uplifted than i did two weeks ago.
i have to back up to two Fridays ago.
i basically had a {small} emotional breakdown to Adam.
it just all came pouring out of me, feelings that i didn’t really even realize or understand were bottled up inside me.
ultimately, all of the feelings came down to this:
i felt very alone. and i started doubting.
i just didn’t feel like i knew the point of everything anymore.
i told Adam that i would pray often for patience, love, wisdom, and understanding when dealing with Elijah.
i would pray that Elijah would be calm and behave, that we would have easier, happier days.
but no. the days just got harder.
so i doubted.
i didn’t think anyone, anyone, cared about how i felt.
literally the next day the prayers that i thought were going unanswered were answered.
i went to the Relief Society broadcast and one of the very first messages was:
so that was basically like being hit over the head.
a few days later my grandma went to the hospital after breaking her hip.
although she came out of surgery with flying colors, the following days were really up and down.
it was really hard to understand why all of this was happening.
we had just moved back home and i was looking forward to seeing my grandma more,
not just in her final moments.
but as i reflected on it all and thought about the legacy my grandma has left behind,
i realized that the whole experience was another gentle reminder to have faith in all things.
the first time i visited my grandma in the hospital i realized how petty i had been acting.
my problems were not even close to anything my grandma has endured or was currently enduring.
i have one crazy boy and she lived in a tiny house with 4 of them.
she spent nearly the last 30 years without her husband by her side.
i'm sure she felt completely alone countless times.
but she never gave up faith or doubted even though she had every reason to.
although these last couple of weeks have been rough, there have been so many
tender mercies,
and answered prayers
throughout all of it.
two weeks ago i was doubting that the Lord was there for me.
or that He was even answering my prayers.
and now i can say He definitely is there for me.
He hears me and answers my prayers,
even the unspoken prayers of my heart.
as a sidenote, thank you to everyone who has stuck by me these last little while as my posts have become rather inconsistent. i hope i didn’t let too many people down while i take on some of these personal things. thank you for all of your patience and understanding! i appreciate all of you and couldn’t ask for better friends & readers!
Dear Grandma Connie,
You were so good at writing letters and keeping journals. So I thought there would be no better way to honor you and express my love but to write a letter.
It still doesn’t make sense that you are gone. We just moved back. I thought I had more time to spend with you and make memories with my little family. I was excited for Elijah to get to know his Grammy and to show you that he even knew that word. I had a lot of stories to catch you up on. I wanted to hear your stories of raising 6 kids, including 4 boys, in that little home. But all that was taken away too quickly for my liking.
However, I’m grateful you went when you were ready. I’m grateful you were able to make that decision on your own, that you could be aware as you were telling Uncle Duane you were ready to go home to grandpa. I wish I was as ready and prepared as you were. But I can find peace in knowing at least you were and that’s all that matters.
I’m so grateful that I was able to grow up with you. I’m grateful for all the memories that I have of you. The sleepovers, the tea parties, watching the movie Rigaletto over and over cause it was the only ones you had. Those are all memories that I will forever cherish. And those are memories that I hope I can pass on to my children.
I am a little ashamed that I started acting too cool for you. I didn’t think I needed a Grammy. I did my due diligence as a granddaughter but refused to go more out of my way. I regret not trying to get to know your story more at a young age. I feel bad I didn’t call you more. I hate that it took me a husband and baby of my own to realize how much I needed you in my life. And by then it feels like it was too late.
I wish I told you sooner how much I looked up to you. How you are absolutely one of the most amazing women I’ve ever known. I don’t think I’ll ever be fully able to comprehend how you were able to stay so strong even after being away from grandpa after almost 30 years. How bitterly alone you must have felt, how sad you may have been. You went through sooo much and yet still stayed true and faithful to your covenants. You never doubted. Never. You are the best example of enduring to the end than I have ever known.
I have thought about that over and over while I was standing by your side. I wanted so badly to let you know. I tried to tell you but it was hard to know if you could hear. The last week I felt so lonely, so unloved. So I started doubting. And I don’t have nearly the amount of trials you have had to face and yet you never gave up. Even during your final hours you were there for me, being the best example I could ever have.
I wanted to do more for you yesterday at the hospital. I tried to sing to you along with the others. But I was always stopped by my tears. I hope you heard it still. I hope you still could tell what songs we were singing. I sang some from the Easter Pageant that you were always a part of. That is one of my fondest memories of you. The Easter Pageant and your vanilla crème cookies. And even at a young age, I could tell how much you loved the Lord.
The only thing I could think of to do to help comfort you while you passed was to help bring grandpa closer to you to help you through the transition. When I was little I used to get so upset because Grandpa died before I was born. I remember crying and feeling so sad that I didn’t get a chance to get to know him. I was always jealous of people’s memories. I didn’t even know what he really looked like. I remember telling you this and asking about him when you gave me a small, wallet-sized picture of him so I could keep with me. I found it in my wallet yesterday on the way to the hospital. I never took it out. So I gave it to you at the hospital. We kept it by your pillow the whole time. We wanted you to be able to see who you were going towards, your eternal companion who has been waiting for his bride.
In a way I’m jealous. I’m jealous that you get to go to this marvelous place and be with grandpa again. Can you tell him about me? Tell him about Elijah and Adam and how we came to say goodbye. Tell him about watching Elijah play with Aunt Shauna’s puppy with all the other little cousins. Tell him how me and Adam could be sealed in the temple so we can live with you both again. Tell him how I wish you could both be here to help me raise my own children. Tell him about my dad, my mom, my brother, my sisters, and all of my uncles, aunts, and cousins. Tell him we are all happy you are both together again.
Grandma, I will always love you. Your scrolly handwriting, your film camera, your fanny packs, your “fuzzy pickles,” everything. I love you. I will miss you so much. I know it is all for selfish reasons but I will miss you just the same. I know that you are happy. I know that you are so so so happy where you are. I hope that you miss us a little bit though… but I still know you are happy. And knowing that brings me so much peace that it makes this almost bearable. Almost.
I love you. I love you I love you I love you.
Love, Megan
i have loved getting to know Kelly these last couple of months!
Kelly is always uplifting, encouraging, understanding, and supportive.
she is there for you when you just need someone to get you.
from the very first tweet i received from her, i knew we were going to be great friends! :)
i'm excited to introduce her to all of you and hope you enjoy getting to know her a little better as much as i have!
1. How would your friends describe you?
Trustworthy, faithful, sarcastic
2. What is the biggest lesson you've learned about living a happy life?
Don't worry about what anyone else thinks! It can take a lot of mental energy to try to please everyone
3. How did you start your blog & shop and why?
I started my blog on a whim. One night I just decided to do it. Of course now (almost 6 months later) I feel obligated to those that follow me. Oh, and I love it!
4. What inspires you?
My kids inspire me a lot. I always strive to be the best mom I can!
5. What would your totem-pole animal spirit be?
I don't know what this means but my favorite animal is the dragonfly!
6. What are some of your favorite items in your blog posts and why?
B = Broken, L = Life I chose these two because it's me. Unedited, open and real. I also choose G = Green because it's fun, fun, fun!
7. How do you define success?
I define success as being who you are while doing what you love. You can make a lot of money doing a lot of things but that doesn't make you successful.
8. What advice would you give to new shop owners/bloggers? What did you wish you knew when you first started?
Make friends! It will keep you around when things get tough. The friendships are worth all the time and effort.
9. What is a talent you have that you wish you used more?
Writing. I'm working on it somewhat with this blog but I really want to finish the book I'm working on.
10. What are your goals for the future {long and short}? Do you have anything you want to change?
A short term goal is to create a fun atmosphere on the blog for all of the lovelies that follow along. As for long term, I'd like to finish my book and also run a thriving photography business.
she’s wonderful right??
i loved her answers especially that success is “being who are doing what you love.”
i love Kelly and i hope you have grown to love her a little more too!
be sure to follow Kelly online to get to know her better:
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i just finished reading “Matched” by Ally Condie for my next BlogHer Book Club book.
the whole idea of the book was very intriguing to say the least.
“Matched” is about a 17-year-old girl named Cassia who lives at a time when Society and its Officials are the ones who make the choices for everyone’s lives.
they decide what you eat.
they decide what you wear.
they decide where you work.
they decide where you live.
they decide who you marry.
and they decide when you die.
they do all this in the name of science and statistics, saying they know what’s best because they have the hard facts to prove what will provide the best outcomes for others’ lives.
{no emotions allowed}
the book starts off at the “matching banquet” where Cassia is to find out who she will be matched with and spend the rest of her life [until she is 80, actually] with.
in a very rare, almost improbable, circumstance she ends up being matched with her childhood best friend, Xander.
however, things get interesting when she goes to look at her microcard with information on Xander and the courting guidelines and instead of Xander’s face, another person’s face shows up. and she happens to know have grown up with him too.
the book is definitely a page turner.
the whole Society that Condie created seems highly unlikely that our world could ever come to such a crazy situation.
and yet at the same time i saw many parallels to our own society at times.
the whole book begs the question:
“is a life without choice, yet still yields a productive life, really a happy & fulfilling life?”
the book is very Hunger Games-esque i felt.
it brought up some interesting ideas that really make you think.
like, am i happy with my own choices?
or if given the opportunity to live in a world free of heartbreak & disease, would i give up my right to choose?
would i be brave enough to break away from society?
though i'm not totally infatuated with the book, i still like it and really want to read the sequels.
i think it is a good, interesting read and would still recommend it to others, especially if these kind of questions & ideas interest you.
This is a paid review for BlogHer Book Club but the opinions expressed are my own
[crappy but cute picture of E-rock]
one of the best things seeing a counselor has done for me has been making me aware of when i start to spiral down my hole.
i can see the signs more clearer,
and i have the hope that i can shake it off easier instead of succumbing to the fog.
when i start to dig that hole back to the dark place i:
don’t eat [just make food for Eli],
sleep all day,
am tired even after sleeping all day,
very quick to react & get upset after {even just semi} bad days,
excuse away outside activities,
let the loads of to-dos pile on me,
and all around feel sorry for everything and anything
i’m a mess.
i’m a big emotional mess.
and a lot of times it feels like i can’t do much about it.
it just becomes too overwhelming.
after moving and Adam started school, i felt myself going down this road
i was constantly frustrated with Elijah.
even after sleeping soundly through the night, i would still doze on the couch while Eli watched cartoons, take a nap when he took a nap, take another mini-nap after dinner, and still go to bed regularly.
i wasn’t taking care of myself or trying to be productive.
i didn’t want to go anywhere during the day until Adam came home.
i don’t really remember making any meals.
i just felt like i was carrying a heavy load all the time.
and felt so sad even though things really were not that bad around me.
this started going on for over a week until i realized what was happening.
i could feel myself falling into the pit and realized i needed to fight it instead of give in to it all over again.
that is one thing counseling helped me with; it gave me the right tools and vocabulary to know how to overcome these i-just-want-to-shut-the-world-out feelings.
now once i start feeling consumed by everything i have a simple game plan to help me:
:: i take a shower, put on make-up, and actually get dressed cute for the day.
{not to say that anytime i stay in sweats means i'm having a bad day. this just helps on the real bad days}
:: i try hard to make a real meal for Elijah and myself.
:: i get out of the house; we either walk around outside or go to the store.
{which can actually be a terrible experience but i have high hopes each time}
:: i try to make a plan for the day and stick to it, even if it’s as simple as:
1. wake up
2. play with Elijah
3. run errands
4. make dinner
5. go to bed
:: i try to make simple, realistic goals for myself that i know i can get done and feel accomplished.
even just doing these {seemingly} little things makes a world of difference!
i'm grateful for the knowledge and awareness i now have to live a happier, healthier life,
for myself & my family.
it definitely helps make the days seem brighter.
i am sure i'm not the only one that gets feelings like this at times
[having gone to counseling or not].
i'm sure i'm not completely alone.
so that’s why i share these experiences in hopes that we can all support one another and that it can help even one other person that may be going through the same thing.