Sea Change

sea change

I had the opportunity to review the book Sea Change by Jeremy Page.

It is a book about a man’s search for peace & happiness after a terrible tragedy. He sails the North Sea for 5 years, writing in his diary what his life might have been if the accident didn’t happen.
It is a very powerful story!
{in my opinion}

I have to admit though, after the first heart-stopping chapter,
{seriously cried! well, I cried multiple times but especially that time}
the book went downhill a little bit and it was hard to pick back up again.
The rest of the first half was kind of slow for me and left me with too many questions to really appreciate the slow-pace of the book.

But by the second half, I couldn’t put the book down again.
What I love about this book is that it captures the process of overcoming a tragedy in a very real & understanding way. It doesn’t sugar coat how someone might really handle a tragic incident (at least, maybe how I might handle a tragic incident). I could relate to him all to well. Actually, I think everyone could relate to him!

It was a very emotional book for me, hitting on all of my greatest fears as a wife & a mother.

One passage I loved and I wanted to share is when Guy is talking about the birth of his daughter:
When Freya was born, and she was that little warm squashy body all covered in vernix, with an ancient screwed-up face, she, she became everything—instantly. I loved that. I loved handing my life over like that, being less important, and then learning about her—this thing that’s arrived in your life, complete with her own character. You know, seeing parts of her mind emerge, how she viewed the world. […] I didn’t want to give up on that really beautiful, really simple thing of watching a life grow.”

I really loved that passage and how he explains becoming a parent so perfectly!!
I would recommend this book as it teaches a great lesson about overcoming struggles & finding hope and love in the end.

I was compensated for this BlogHer Book Club review but all opinions expressed are my own.


the SHINE necklace winner was
#57: Just the Two of Us

look for an email from me soon


Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

I should try this book out :) I'm an emotional reader too. I'm going to start a Friday book link should totally put this in there!

Chrissy said...

I think I need to read it...even the cover pulls me in! Thanks for sharing! xxx

Emma Frances said...

I can't wait to read this! It sounds like a book I would absolutely love! :] Thanks for sharing!