New Year's resolutions from Jenni Austria Germany

today, i am so excited to have Jenni from Jenni Austria Germany guest posting today! if you haven't heard of her/read her blog before, you should! because seriously, Jenni's blog is an essential part of your daily happiness. Jenni is such a great & hilarious writer! i literally LOL when i read her posts {i kind of hate that acronym but i'm using it to show you how serious i am}. and i'm always finding myself saying, "yes! i feel the same way!" when she tells her stories {example below}.
[except i don't have cool stories about traveling Europe. but that is besides the point.]

so basically, Jenni is my soulmate and i'm in love with her, the end.

now read her great post and fall in love with her too!


let the record show that i’ve never been good at new year’s resolutions. ages 7-14, my new year’s resolution each year was to fill every page of whatever diary i had just received for from santa. and every year, i’d make it a few days into january before abandoning all journalistic ambitions (seriously, i have a whole drawer full of half-filled lisa frank diaries at my parent’s house…it’s a wonder i’ve managed to stick with blogging for so long?).

and then last year, i decided i’d bring the new year’s resolution back. i made it a goal to email my grandparents every day of 2011. and i was so excited about it! and then, several days into january, what did my grandparents do? they decided they wanted to cut back on expenses and flat-out cancelled their internet service (it’s okay, i happen to love writing letters by hand!).

i’ve decided, though, that 2012 is my year. it has to be. maybe it’s because my 2011 didn’t exactly go exactly as planned or maybe it’s because i felt inspired after megan posted eli’s big plans for the new year . whatever the case, i’m feeling compelled to list a few resolutions of my own. and in keeping with the theme of my blog, they’re all travel related. yay for living in/traveling europe!

here they are:

Family river

{above photo: me, trying to find my way to the andy warhol exhibit in london}

all too often, when i visit cities for the first time, i think, “eh, let’s just wing it…i’m sure we can find our way around” and then after walking in circles for 3 hours, i finally decide that glancing over a map might be worth its while. so this year, when i make my travel plans, i’m going to be more intentional about organization and pre-planning, as it really can make all the difference.

butter dish 1

{above photo: me, contemplating buying the french version of harry potter at a flea market in paris}

books make long bus rides, train rides and plane rides all the more bearable. i have a few trips in the works right now and i’m already making a list of what books will accompany me.

photo (53)

{above photo: me, buying far too many clothes….a common trend for 2011}

this one needs no explanation. in 2012, i hope to not spend thousands of dollars on impulsive shopping sprees. but i’ll just say right now, that this resolution will most likely be the one i’m quickest to break. ;)


k, so while reading about Jenni's resolutions weren't you all thinking,
"this is the story of my life! including the Lisa Frank notebooks!"
yep. i thought so!

be sure to check out more of Jenni's awesome stories on her blog
{you will not be sorry!}
and today, she is even having a giveaway so be sure to go check that out and enter right away!

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