we are visiting our family in Utah & California and it's been oh so nice!
Adam has been in school full-time plus working all summer so we haven't done much yet together to celebrate & have fun this summer. so we're living it up where we can and just relaxing.
and taking millions of pictures of course.
so some of these posts coming up will most likely just be photo dumps.
you good with that??
while we were in Utah my nephew, Phoenix, was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. it was a really special day to see my nephew take that next step. it was even more special for me because it reminded me of my own baptism which was on the exact same date 17 years ago. i wish i understood then what i know now of how much the gospel would truly bless my life. i realize how much faith a small 8-year-old exercises to make such a big decision and to then continue to stay true to those covenants, even without seeing the immediate blessings or lessons that i can now look back and see. just a really amazing thing to think about...
Eli had so much fun seeing his cousins and kept yelling out for Phoenix even though he couldn't go sit by him yet. i'm grateful for the good example Phoenix and my niece Jersey is to Elijah that he can see the good choices they are making and follow in their footsteps.

after the baptism, we went to a local, neighborhood reservoir-lake-type-place and spent the afternoon swimming and talking and building sand castles. so it was just an all-around fun day!
fun was had by all!
and that is part one of my photo dump :)
we miss you, Utah!
I'm a new follower! Congrats to your nephew on his baptism :) It looks like you had a great time in Utah (we just got home from a trip out there, too!)
Looks like a blast! Happy you guys were able to go and have fun as a fam! You look absolutely FABULOUS in your suit!! Rock on hot mama!
Haaaaaa! Jacob totally has those same swim trunks! I bought them for his birthday. My friend's husband also has the same ones.... guess they'll have to be matching at family pool parties. lol.
Cute pictures! As much as I complain about living in Utah sometimes, it really can be a fun and beautiful place :)
Cute pictures! As much as I complain about living in Utah sometimes, it really can be a fun and beautiful place :)
Love your swimsuit!
My little family LOVE to swim, be it lake or fake lake! Your family looks really sweet and I can't wait to get to know you better. New follower here and on bloglovin'!
ue // Chevron & Lace
Whoops! That's *Sue, not ue.
Looks like you guys had an awesome time :D
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