i always love finding good blogs about marriage since i love marriage posts myself.
when i first met Amberly and started reading her blog posts about marriage i really fell in love with her. i loved her marriage goals and her emphasis on always making her marriage better. Amberly is a great example to me of showing love to her husband and putting her marriage first.
today, Amberly is sharing a great marriage tip post that i think applies to all couples who have been together for a long time, even if you aren't married. and at then end there might be a little surprise! :)
Hi! I'm Amberly and I blog over at
Life with Amberly and Joe! Joe and I have been married for just over two years and I refer to him as husband on my blog and in real life for who knows what reason, but it works. We have a quirky, fun
love story and
our marriage is a constant adventure!
When my husband and I were dating, we would text constantly while we were apart and if there was ever a day we didn't get to see each other, we'd talk on the phone for a few hours before bed. Now, two years into marriage, I wish I could remember what we talked about all the time because we certainly don't communicate that frequently anymore. I guess after a certain amount of time you figure you know most everything about each other, and you've probably told your spouse every interesting story from your past as well.
While we talk every day and about important things a lot of the time, I started to realize that the husband and I were basically making small talk every single day. He'd tell me what was up in the political world and I'd keep him updated on social media. We'd talk about our puppy, the TV series we were watching together, what to have for dinner, day to day life happenings, upcoming events, etc.

Lately I have been trying to get back to the constant, meaningful, fun conversations that we used to have! I think it's important for every couple, married or not, to keep the talk flowing and not let it get stale. Recently we went on a
weekend road trip together that involved a lot of driving and gave us plenty of time to talk. We had some fun chats about future baby names (no we're not pregnant), our dream home, family drama, etc. With about 14 hours in the car together, there was definitely more than enough time for a lot of great conversation.
The weekend
we got engaged, we went on a road trip to Southern Utah and I brought a book with a bunch of questions to get us talking. Joe moaned and groaned about it, but in the end we had a lot of fun learning more about each other.
The road trip to our engagement |
Because I love lists or books with conversation prompts, I want to give one of you fabulous readers
Conversation Starters for Couples by Gary Chapman! For any time you're in the small talk rut, or just want to have a deep and meaningful conversation with the one you love, I know it's worked out well for me!
Hey! This is Tiffany from http://theunlost-wanderer.blogspot.com/ . I just wanted to let you know that I have a new blog now and have followed you from there! I hope to continue to keep in touch! :]
I remember when Mr. Collier and I used to talk ALL THE TIME on the phone. Now when we are off doing our own thing especially on Saturday mornings, I hate having to talk to him on the phone. Literally torture. :)
i love marriage posts myself. i am dying for a marriage. good luck for me!
kiss time
I'm a newlywed and the past almost two months haven't really felt much different than when we were "just engaged" other than instead of visiting him for a few days, I now live with him permanently. I'm always up for reading marriage stuff, especially things that can make life more exciting for us :) I am following both blogs on bloglovin and have recently started my own blog at http://amoyeradventure.blogspot.com/.
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