stream of consciousness

I just have a lot of random thoughts on my mind. And I decided I wanted to write it all down in a random blog post. So here it goes.

me at 16 weeks. and Adam laughed at my chubby cheeks so I tried not to smile too much... husbands...

:: I already feel like this pregnancy is going so fast and yet so slow! I'm 17 weeks today and sometimes I think, "Wow, I'm already 17 weeks??" But then I'm like, "I'm only 17 weeks!" So grateful for this little babe. But I'm already over the pregnancy business.

:: When you ask Elijah what the baby is he usually says it's a baby brother and his name is Peanut. Today though he said it's a sister. Don't get my hopes up kid! [Actually we would be so happy with either, truly :)]

:: This baby is super weird and picky about what I eat. I can't have any kind of refined sugar, at all! One cookie will take me out for hours and I feel like I want to die. I also can't have foods high in fat or just unhealthy food in general. Potato chips? Not a chance. I guess I'll stick to my carrots.

:: Speaking of eating healthy... I think it's great that there's (what seems to be) a huge movement now with everyone eating healthy and being more aware of what goes in their bodies. As someone who never really thought much about what I ate [I mean I would try to eat good portions and make homemade meals that I thought were healthy], it has really got me thinking more about what I'm putting in my body and has inspired me to really try harder to eat healthier. However, I have to admit I'm kind of sick of seeing articles every other day about how terrible for my body. All the things that I thought were fine and healthy, or just making sure I eat things in moderation, apparently will all kill me. The string cheese I eat every day probably has some kind of flesh-eating bacteria in it, sugar will give me cancer, milk will kill me, vegetables have poison on them, bread will stop your heart, and eating meat basically makes me the devil. Even the carrots that I keep as my staple probably grew out of the ground that was mistreated & has a crazy amount of chemicals on them... Can't I just eat what I want?? What happened to just being smart, eating things in moderation (even sugar!), and making sure you get your healthy amount of vegetables & fruits? I miss the simpler times...

(And I'm not trying to mock or anything. It's just all very overwhelming! Am I the only one who thinks so?)

:: I feel like all my pregnancy symptoms this time around is all the symptoms I didn't have with Elijah but are still annoying and/or make me miserable. I'm just as sick as I was with Elijah but a different kind of sick which almost makes it worse (plus chasing a toddler around), I swear I go through so much toilet paper, and my upper-chestal region has grown exponentially. It's so confusing... bodies are so weird, guys!

:: Elijah has been the sweetest little boy lately! For every crazy outburst that makes me want to curl up in a corner, he has the sweetest most heart-melting moments that make life worth living. I feel like I've fallen in love with so much more the last couple of months. I like that kid!

:: I've also realized a lot lately how great of a guy Adam is. He's just the best. I'm a lucky girl. Apparently these pregnancy hormones have really made me all touchy-feely :)

:: I'm reading Anne of Green Gables for the very first time and I'm kicking myself that I didn't read it sooner. I feel like it was some rite of passage in childhood that I never did and I always feel so out of the loop when people reference it. I am now in love with Anne and secretly wish I was her and now I want to move to Nova Scotia and live on a big plot of land with flowers and trees everywhere and a brook. This is now my biggest dream and if we live anywhere else I will be deeply disappointed and my soul will writhe in unfulfilled agony.

And these are my random thoughts on a Thursday afternoon. What random thoughts are on your mind? :)


Jenna Griffin | Gold & Bloom said...

I never read Anne of Green Gables, either. But I know I need to!

Oh, and yea I'm pretty much tired of the constant "don't eat this"coming from every direction. I'm sure it's even worse when you're pregnant. I've heard a lot of people want to tell you what is good for baby and mostly what is bad for baby. Have you experienced that?

Katie said...

You just described my feelings about all those "healthy" articles PERFECTLY. I think being healthy is great and all, but sometimes people just get extreme. And then instead of being motivated, I'm just left feeling bitter about the whole thing. Hahaha! Oh, and Adam's look as slender and beautiful as usual!

Amy's Fashion Blog said...

I feel you with the food. It like there trying to make all food bad. It like we need to eat to live.

Kirsty and Seth said...

You look lovely and not in the least bit chubby! 😊

Unknown said...

Ok so you want to know my random thoughts?!! Why in the world can't I manage to walk without falling??? Stuck on the couch with another sprained ankle!!!! Bahhhh!!!!

katilda said...

Amen to balance and eating what you want! I think all our brains would implode if we tried to keep up with every article in our news feed or pin on pinterest. I like eating healthy but I also like eating french fries sometimes, so I do both of those things. Very happily. I also accidentally typed "french friends" at first, and that makes my sentence awkward.

Liv said...

I have actually been to Prince Edward Island and it was amazing. When I was young I toured all the famous spots that inspired Anne of Green Gables and I have such vivid memories of that trip. I love love love love it!

The Girl who Loved to Write said...

Don't you feel better after writing posts like these?! I always do. Like okay, there's room in my brain again!

NSCorb said...

I stumbled across your blog a while ago. I always feel uplifted when i pop by to read your recent posts. I think if i ever met you in real life we could be friends! Thank you for your honestly and sharing how you see things in this big old world. I'm so happy for you with your news!

Bonnie Gutzman said...

Yes to the complexity of food eating being a bit over the top. Bring on the real cookies (none of this chick pea stuff!!) No to you even entertaining the thought that you might have chubby cheeks (that is ridiculous!)

Bonnie Gutzman said...

Yes to the complexity of food eating being a bit over the top. Bring on the real cookies (none of this chick pea stuff!!) No to you even entertaining the thought that you might have chubby cheeks (that is ridiculous!)

Unknown said...

You are SO adorable and such a terribly cute pregnant lady!!! <3