what a week….

this week was insane!

--my mom came into town

--my niece’s 8th birthday party

--Elijah’s first birthday & party

--graduation x2 {commencement & convocation}

--graduation family dinner

--a baby shower

--Easter & singing in church & family dinner

--oh & I take care of a child….


seriously so crazy.

but so worth it.

i proved a lot to myself this past week: i know how to use a sewing machine now & {thread the bobbin}, I GRADUATED!, and i throw awesome parties {if i do say so myself}

i will tell you about each one in separate posts.

but this serves as your warning for a lot to come!



leean robinson said...

Could I just say that you are something else! You are so talented and yet so kind and compassion at the same time. I hope you know what a great person you are. Thanks for being such a great mom to our little Elijah and super wife to our son, Adam. Wow - did dad and I get lucky to have you as our daughter-in-law!

Ryan and LeDawn said...

congrats!!! uber jealous and proud!!! Where to now?

Ryan and LeDawn said...

congrats!!! uber jealous and proud!!! Where to now?