if you didn’t know…. my husband is very smart and an extremely hard worker!
he scored in the 98th percentile on the Dental Admissions Test. 99th percentile for Perceptual Ability Test (where people usually score lower on). has an above average GPA. way above average science GPA. been the head TA for molecular biology for 2 years. been a research assistant for 2 years. not to mention taking care of a wife and baby!
and i could go on and on and on.
he’s amazing!
but what is even more amazing to me is his strong faith.
though Adam’s Dental School application is overflowing with “above and beyond” credentials and has had 5 interviews so far, we have yet to be accepted to any schools.
we (or Adam) have even talked to a lot of other students, teachers and dentists who are amazed at Adam’s scores and have told us that he is a shoo-in to any dental school.
and yet no acceptances.
we have been over it again and again in our minds where we could have gone wrong. we look at the acceptance averages to the school he’s applied to and are baffled at the lack of response we’ve gotten when his scores are above the average.
it’s hard to wrap our brain around.
but then Adam comes home and says,
“The only thing that makes sense, is that the Lord has a different plan for us. And I am really okay with that.”
we did our best. we did everything in our realm of control.
but the rest is just not up to us. the rest is in someone else’s hands.
Adam is a huge example to me about what it means to have faith. And not just faith that everything will be okay, but faith in moving forward and not giving up hope.
although he is definitely bummed, he won’t let it get the better of him. he knows there is some things that are just beyond his control. and instead of letting it bring him down or curse God or wallow in self pity (like I have been doing!) he moves on and takes the next step.
I am glad I married a man of great faith.
the biggest thing I struggle with is not knowing what the future holds.
but for Adam, it’s okay to not know. all we can do is keeping moving forward—doing what is right and working hard—and things will come together.
“Therefore, let your hearts be comforted; for all things shall work together for [your] good to them that walk uprightly.”
Doctrine & Covenants 100:15