little fishie

Elijah got his annual swim lesson when we went to visit Gigi & Grandpa. 
He did SO well!! 
For not swimming since last summer and only getting swim lessons a couple of days out of the year, I was so impressed with how well he caught on to it all. 
He is seriously a natural little fishie in the water and I'm so proud of him. 

[And a humungo props to my mother-in-law who's the literal best swim teacher out there!] 

Here are some fun videos of Elijah showing off his skillz. :)

The only problem now is that Elijah is pretty.dang.confident in himself and thinks he can swim out in deep water by himself. He tries to let go of me and thinks he can swim or tread water by himself to the steps. When I told him he can't do that and it wasn't safe he says,
"But, Mom, I'm a good swimmer! I'm a little fish! I can do it myself."

I think all the praise we gave him went straight to his head...

But he's still good all the same :) 


Artsy VaVa said...

That's wonderful! It drives me crazy when people don't teach their kids to swim when they are little. It's so much easier (and safer) for them to learn when they are young.

Rachelle said...

Hurray! Especially for putting his head under the water. It drives me NUTS to have parents teach their kids to swim with their head above water. It's 10x harder.