heaven sent


this picture is up on our fridge

every time Elijah sees this picture he immediately starts smiling and reaching for the picture

without fail.

how could there be any doubt that my baby didn’t just come our Father in Heaven?

President Thomas S. Monson said:

“I think it significant that Jesus loved these little ones who so recently had left the preexistence to come to earth. Children then and children now bless our lives, kindle our love, and prompt our good deeds.

Is it any wonder that the poet Wordsworth speaks thus of our birth: “Trailing clouds of glory do we come/ From God, who is our home.” (William Wordsworth, “Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood,” The Complete Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, London: Macmillan and Co., 1924, p. 359.)

Charles Dickens himself said, ‘I love these little people, and it is not a slight thing when they who are so fresh from God love us.’

My dear brothers and sisters, may the laughter of children gladden our hearts. May the faith of children soothe our souls. May the love of children prompt our deeds. ‘Children are an heritage of the Lord.’ (Ps. 127:3.) May our Heavenly Father ever bless these sweet souls, these special friends of the Master...”


Megan said...

So sweet and oh so true. K I am coming out and saying I stalk your blog as well. Now that we have that out on the table we can for sure be friends! Thank you for your sweet comment, it means alot. Baby E is adorable- baby boys are the best. Ever.

leean robinson said...

When Jacob was about 8-9mos. old he was tired and fussy and I was standing in the family room trying to move around to get him to go to sleep and all of a sudden he stopped fussing and looked at the picture of Christ I had on the wall in back of me, and just starred for the longest time making little cooing noises to the picture. I had such an impression that he felt something calming and maybe even recognizable in that picture. But that incident has stayed with me all these years. So I do wonder what these babies do remember and relate to.