It was an amazing and wonderful experience for me. The whole time it was hard for me to comprehend that I was actually there. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to be there with my family and Adam in the Lord's house.
One temple worker told me to look at my mom during the sealing because this is what she has worked hard for. I am so grateful for my parents and for all that they have done for me. I am so glad they raised me and taught me the gospel at a young age. All growing up I knew I wanted to go to the temple and that someday I would be inside the Mesa temple. And I was and I know that it really was because of them.
I love my family and Adam very much and I am so grateful for the knowledge I have that I can be with them forever. And in about 3 days I will be with Adam forever!!! I am so excited to be his wife and be able to spend eternity with him.
This is all so crazy but definitely a crazy wonderful.